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Rev. Kim R. Taylor, Master of Divinity


Pastor Kim: "I was raised in the upper midwest in a small town. My first job was as a carry-out and stock person. I also worked in an ice house. I enjoyed fishing. In high school I graduated 30th in my class, and was president of the National Honor Society. I drove a delivery truck and delivered safes, among other things. I was a loan agent and interpreter in the food industry, and have also been a cook, a dishwasher, and a caterer. I have worked in the merchant marines, as a library research assistant, an educator, a recreation area worker, in theater performance, a cashier, a GED correspondence school instructor, a director of theater, a musician, an inspirational speaker, and performance pioneer. I am the first of my family to hold a degree in higher education. I believe that there is only one God, and that all people - regardless of race, religion, culture, or any other worldly differences - are to be valued as children of God. I believe that there is only one God, who helps us to see him by revealing himself to us in three persons and that Jesus Christ of Nazareth is my Lord and Savior.  I believe that no one is reliant on their own faith or good works for their salvation. I am the father of seven children (4 adopted), have been married since 1971 to the same woman, and I work hard to be the best person that I can be for myself, my family, my church, and for the God who loves me. I live in the desert southwest, have a home, and an immediate family who numbers 25. I AM A CHILD OF GOD, A CHRISTIAN, AND A LUTHERAN. I AM KIM TAYLOR; HUSBAND, FATHER, THEOLOGIAN, AND YOUR PASTOR." 

Deb Keen, Parish Administrator at American Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tucson, Arizona

Debbie Keen

Parish Administrator


Tiffany Keen


Pastor of American Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tucson, Arizona

Melissa Taylor


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