American Ev. Lutheran Church
A welcoming, affirming and inclusive church in Tucson!
In Christ:
Loving Equally, Serving Joyfully!
Welcome to American Evangelical Lutheran Church, a welcoming, affirming and inclusive congregation! Our congregation was established in 1950 as part of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (www.elca.org). We are a small, family oriented christian church. We have a nursery area available but love to see children in the worship service. Our church is located at 115 N. Tucson Boulevard in Tucson, Arizona. Please, come meet us sometime, you're always welcome!
Our Preschool, the Young Life Christian Learning Center opened in 1981 but sadly, had to close on September 1, 2010 after nearly 30 years of ministry due to financial difficulties related to low enrollment.
With the closing of our preschool, our parish hall was empty for much of the week and we decided to offer the space to outside established groups. In 2010, several Narcotics Anonymous support groups began meeting here. Currently we also have an exercise group meeting mornings Monday - Friday, and "A Time to Dance" holds dance classes at various times during the week. We have also shared Rasmussen Hall with a new growing church and hope to continue offering meeting space to more groups as times are available. If you are looking for space and have your own liability insurance, call the church office. We may be able to accommodate you!
In May of 2016, our solar panel array was finally connected and producing green energy for our facility! (See picture.) Unfortunately, in 2022, we found out that they were incorrectly installed by a company that is now out of business, and they have been removed for safety. We are in the process of working with a new company to get them reinstalled.