American Ev. Lutheran Church
A welcoming, affirming and inclusive church in Tucson!
There are many opportunities for volunteering. Those in the Sunday service include serving as a: Lector (Bible lesson readings), Acolyte (candlelighting), Worship Assistant (with training from Pastor), and Usher. You may also offer your musical talents joining the handbell choir (or vocal choir as seasonally available), or let Pastor know you would like to offer a special musical piece for worship. Also if you have any special skills to offer with upkeep or repair of the facilities, or just some time to spare, please inform the church office. We're always looking for a helping hand.
Prayer Chain
If you would like to pray for prayer requests that come into the office or have a special prayer request yourself, call or email the office. We have a list for prayer distribution by phone, email or text. Just let us know how you would like to receive the prayer requests and be sure to include your contact info.
Flower dedications
If you have a special occasion you would like to celebrate by offering a special dedication in the Sunday announcements, we have Altar Flower dedications available for $30/Sunday, or you may provide your own flowers. (You may take the flowers home after the worship service if you would like.)
To make a donation online (one-time or recurring monthly) to American Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tucson, Arizona, please click the "Give" button, or download the app (newly partnered with the ELCA) to your phone by clicking the logo above which will take you to a site where you can choose Google Play or the App Store. Donations may be made by credit card, debit card or electronic check. You may even choose to cover the fees. Your generosity is always very much appreciated! God Bless You!
Do you sell on ebay? Would you be interested in donating a portion of your proceeds to American? Click the picture "ebay FOR CHARITY" and list your item through our charity page. You can designate 10 to 100 % of your selling price to our church. Check it out!